Customer Testimonals

Preventive monitoring, regular updates, uncomplicated installations, short downtime in case of emergency and fast response to support requests.

This is exactly what our customers value: security and fast, reliable and individualized IT support. At any time and from any place.

"After a few years of professional experience and working with a large number of PMS systems and service providers, I can say that Ophelia's support is fantastic. Friendliness, speed, competence and realistic solutions show that I am are dealing with colleagues from the hotel industry - at least many Ophelia team members have familiarized themselves very well with the way a hotel works. My thanks go especially to Mr. Ott and Ms. Lochmüller; both are great trainers with extensive knowledge and the ability to transport this knowledge very well. Many thanks also to "my heroine" Ms. Wernecke, who always contributed to the success of the new PMS Guestline with patience and intelligent action. It was a pleasure for me."

Nadiya Bölek, Rooms Division Manager, Villa Tuscany

"Competence, friendliness and speed of inquiries are key factors in a service industry. All these points are met with ease by Ophelia. Anyone working with Oracle products should definitely commit Ophelia to software support."

Leonard Middendorf, F&B-Controlling, Factory Hotel Münster

"Our network requirements were quickly understood by Ophelia and implemented very well."

Moritz Schmid-Burgk, Hotel Director, Hotel BelVeder Scharbeutz

Kerstin Geins after a successful Suite8/Pos8 update and setting up the TSE: “Great praise: Ophelia's employees work quickly and thoroughly. All open questions were answered to our satisfaction and we are smoothly up to date again."

Kerstin Geins, General Manager, Hotel Dock1

"We are very satisfied with the Ophelia support. The employees are familiar with the subject, understand us, speak our language and find quick solutions for us.“

Daniel Franke, Revenue Manager, Hotel im Wasserturm Köln

Christian Fischbeck after the successful installation and go-live of the gastronovi POS system: "Great and smooth implementation. We are very satisfied with Ophelia, the product and its performance. It's amazing what's possible now."

Christian Fischbeck, General Manager,
Hotel Wardenburger Hof

"From a certain hotel size you can not do everything yourself and you need reliable partners. Especially in terms of system stability, we need security in the direction of data protection, spam and virus protection. In order to keep up with the inevitable digitization, we need a dedicated team and reliable partners - Ophelia is our number one priority!"

Christian Pirl, Managing Director, Ringhotel "Zum Stein" Oranienbaum-Wörlitz

"Everything went perfectly!" Says Christian Willer about the Suite8 update and the training of the new functionalities.

Christian Willer, Sales and Marketing Manager, Waldhotel Stuttgart

"Whether hardware replacement, software update, user support or training - we are more than satisfied with the POS support from Ophelia."

Stefanie Kolb, Front Office Manager,
Hotel Tanne Ilmenau

Heiko Bader after the successful gastronovi installation, going live and training: "Honours to Ophelia's employees who guided us through the installation. The system is easy to use and really well thought out. A real recommendation!"

Heiko Bader, Director, AMBER HOTEL Leonberg/Stuttgart

Deborah Bertram after the successful installation, going live and system training of the gastronovi Cloud POS: "THANK YOU - for the constant responsiveness during the project implementation and the great support for all questions that came up. Our entire team is happy with the new system.”

Deborah Bertram, Head of Food & Beverage, SEMINARIS Hotel- und Kongressstätten- Betriebsgesellschaft mbH

"Your employees do a very good job. Thanks to your support we have a great access to the Suite8."

Rainer Jabi, Managing Director, Alleehotel Europa & Residenz Hotel Bensheim

Michael Würz after cash register exchange and Suite8 update: “We are very enthusiastic. Ophelia's employees have very good specialist knowledge. "

Michael Würz, IT Manager
Sport and wellness hotel Angerhof

"Keep it up!

Susann Schmidt, Director, GreenLine Hotel Landhaus Geliti